Chapter 30
Special deelivery
Same bus. Same road. Same driver making the same jarring
stop, raising the same cloud of dust. This time, however, he waited
for the dust to settle and clear before opening the door.
“Thank You, William. I shall send a note to your company
telling them what a fine and courteous driver you are. I am
grateful to you.” A wholesome woman told Bill the driver as he
closed the hatch to the belly of the bus, having given this woman
her one piece of luggage.
“Well, you are entirely welcome, ma’am, and I am entirely sorry
as I can be for not being able to drive you all the way into town,
but if I get stuck in a rut again on that road, the folks on the bus
might be stayin’ the night, and my employers would not be
amused, you betcha.” Bill said hat in hand.
“Bless your heart, William. You go right along now and I’ll be
fine. Folks from around here are composed of tougher stuff, and
I’d say the walk will do me good. Come Sunday, I will thank the
Lord for letting me know you. Git now.”
She wore sensible shoes. A slight heel but amply good for
walking the almost paved terrain. She stopped and read the
Ardensville sign and wondered.
Uprighting her luggage and pulling out the handle so it
became a wheeled thing, now began the walk into the town of
Ardensville. A broad brimmed floppy hat provided some
protection from the sun and the long walk proceeded.
A mile or so along, the visitor heard a vehicle coming up
behind her. She stepped to the side to allow it to pass. Instead,
the cruiser slowed gradually to a stop. Morrow got out, hat in
hand, and smiled in a way most folks did not ever see Morrow
“Now might I be of assistance, young lady. You know my
offical capacity requires I serve as well as protect.” This was
Morrow being charming or trying to.
“Well bless your heart, officer. Are you the constable for the
town of Ardensville?” she smiled, and Morrow’s heart just went
all to pieces.
“Yes, I make that claim ma’am. My title is sheriff/minister
Morrow but please, call me Douglas.” Morrow near babbled.
“Well Douglas, I have never seen the like of a minister and
sheriff residing in one skin. I’d say you were the Lord’s justice,
praise Jesus.”
“Yes yes, praise Jesus I do. Praise him mightily I say. Might I
inquire what brings you to our metropolis, young lady?”
“Of course you may and should. I’ve come to visit my niece
who recently took employment here. She is so dear to me I
simply had to come out and see that she was abiding in a decent
and Christian community. I can say now, not even there yet that
my concern is assuaged.” Morrow stepped behind the cruiser
now for no very apparent reason. ”My name is Gwendolyn Stax.
My niece is Celia attached to the United States Postal Service.
Do you know her?”
“Well my goodness. Yes of course I know her. A fine and hard- working addition to our community indeed. If you would do me
the honor of riding with me, I would be too happy to take you
directly to her.”
After a quick fumble with his holster or something like that,
Morrow popped the trunk, threw Gwendolyn’s luggage in,
gallantly as he knew how opened the passenger door for her and
off they went. Though he did not spin his wheels, the siren in his
heart was wailing, you betcha.
“Celia!! Celia Stax!! Come on down here right now. I’ve
brought someone to see you!!”
Celia heard this in her kitchen, and taking her sandwich with
her went downstairs to see what the idiot was talking about.
They stood on either side of the cruiser. Morrow beaming, and
the woman yet concealed under the wide brim of her hat.
“Special deelivery, Celia. It’s your Aunt Gwendolyn all the way
from Connecticut to check on your welfare.” Now chin up, Aunt
Gwendolyn’s face peeked out from under the hat brim.
Sandwich shot from Celia's mouth like scattershot. Harold.